JOHN 15:5
Some of you may or may not have known, but I have been struggling in my business. A struggle isn’t always financially, which is the case for me. But my struggle was trying to create in person what I saw in my head. The vision, the end goal. It was always super pretty in my thoughts - but I would always leave my sessions feeling unaccomplished.
Could you tell? No…could my clients tell? No. Did my heart know, ABSOLUTELY…So; I did what any creative would do and I took a sabbatical and waited and listened to the Lord for direction.
It happened around my birthday, the answers. My friend Elizabeth had sent me something funny because we’re all accountability partners for one another business and it was basically a program that helps push you towards your goal. She was like Rae, this is so you. You’re always pushing us no matter what. It felt good to know that my friends appreciated me and understood how much I love them and their businesses.
The image on the brochure left me stunned. I needed to know, ‘who took this picture,?’ What did they do to accomplish the end results and how can I tell a story the way they’re doing …it was like THEY were in my head!!! After some digging I found them!!! And guess what??? They were hosting a limited time offer masterclass. THIS WAS IT…this was exactly what I needed to take my business to the next level and get everything that was in my head OUT.
The Bible says that God will supply all of my needs according to HIS riches and glory. Ok, that’s another way of me saying I was broke; but I needed money to pay for this class..UGH what was I going to do? PRAY… I literally sent a text to all my close friends stating that I really need pray for money and that I wasn’t asking THEM for money, but for God to bless me with the funds BEFORE my birthday when the masterclass closed.
HE TURNED IT!!!! I couldn’t believe it. My god-daughter said that she was saving for a program too, but she knew that God was positioning her to give me the first deposit because she knows that with her being broke, she couldn’t give up her last monies. But she did and on my birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! I was able to start the program.
I can’t begin to tell you how amazing the program was. I binged every lesson 4-6 times so that I remembered, learned and memorized exactly what I needed to get to the next level. I am stoked and blessed and honored that I was obedient to the voice of the Lord and He got me to this level. I’ve heard 1,000 times that it’s when you’re quiet you hear the Lord. Guess what, that’s 100% true.
Well; you came, you read and now it’s time to let the cat out of the bag!!! Everything that comes with this, is from HIM!!!! I am nothing without him and neither is my business. Thank you God for blessing me with Vine & Vow Lifestyle | Intimate Portraits and also our “Seniors” addition The Wanders by Vine & Vow Seniors. God chose John 15:5 to be our end goal. Miss Araebia Photography is gone, but Miss Araebia will always hold true to all the clients that have allowed me to be a part of their day. They're just as crazy and fun as I am. But, Vine & Vow Lifestyle | Intimate Portraits is where God is taking me.
So what's the change?? The name, the look, the way we work with our clients. We do NOT focus on the posing anymore, instead we create moments that allows our clients to speak a love language to one another and capture that RAW emotion. ADVENTURER...YASSSSS let's do this!!! Whether it's the mountains, the beach, a secret elopement, you name it --> LET'S DO IT!!! We're here to capture every single moment in time, not create images that do not speak love. Let us help you convey that in your next session with us! BOOK NOW!
Why Lifestyle | Intimate Portraits? Because we are constantly changing, evolving, and time doesn't wait for anyone. I want to capture those intimate moments for you and your loved ones and the way I do it will keep you talking about your session for generations to come! I am now booking in Dallas, TX | Accepting Weddings in Atlanta, GA & Charlotte NC.
“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. - this is 100% correct. I can do NOTHING without the Father.
Here are a few old & new photos that I’ve taken over the last year to show you where I’ve come from and where God is taking me!!! Thank you for reading his far!!!
Oh and I didn't forget about my wanderers. Check our our Senior Page here.
Amber + Reggie | Engagement
full story on the blog

Jokia + Ben
full story on the blog

Chynjah + Zach
full story on the blog

Sean + Kristy
full story on the blog

Sole + Tim

Dani + Beau
full story on the blog

Danielle + Drew
full story on the blog